
Intro to Puppyhood 

During puppy class, we talk about everything there is about puppies. From what the different developmental stages are and how to work through them, to the foundations of simple commands such as sit, down, place, and engagement. We also go over proper socializing techniques and proper confidence building so your pup can be the best they can be as they get older.

Puppies must be at least 4months of age and fully vaccinated

Intermediate Obedience 

During intermediate class, we take all the basics to a new level. We work on the 3d's of dog training (duration, distance, distraction), confidence, hind end awareness, engagement, loose leash walking, the start of off leash heeling/basic obedience, and everything in between. 
Prerequisites - Basic Obedience with DC3CCT or that equivalent of 

What is offered currently?!

Basic Obedience

During basic obedience, we learn all the basics. We cover sit, down, place, recall, confidence/fitness, the beginning steps of the 3d's of dog training (duration, distance, distraction) and loose leash walking. On top of all the basics, we start also working on a calm state of mind and what the concept of pressure means.

Adventure Class

Adventure class is that of an advanced obedience class, but we work out in the public. During adventure class we put all your skills to the test going out to dog friendly stores to work on all the basics as well as how to properly advocate for your dog. You learn how to go into stores for the first time with your dog and how to read what your dog needs and how to help them.
Prerequisites - Completing The C3 Way Program or both Basic and Intermediate Classes

Come back to check when our next round of classes will be offered!